Now we can see that foreigner like to work in Thailand more than ever in many careers, but to be able to enter for working in our country. Foreigner need to have full qualifications according to law assigned and get permission to enter to work legally. Employer has to proceed following process of law to let foreigner who will work with you work in Thailand correctly. This royal act that we will talk did to be able to organize, protect, preserve, cure and force employer law and foreigner labor. It will build labor stability, economic and social of country. Moreover, it can punish employer who did not perform following law and protect labor prostitute this royal act has important point regarding specification of employer and a person who gets permission to bring foreigners enter to work to make it clearer for preserving and reaching way to petition and penalties of employer and foreigner labor. The penalty of employee and foreigner labor that illegal:
A person who accepts foreigner to work that forbid foreigner to do or accepts foreigner who did not have worker permit or accepts foreigner who did not have work permit with him or her to work. Fine from 400,000 – 800,000 baht per 1 foreigner
A person who accepts foreigner to work that did not the same as specified in license. Fine not more than 400,000 baht per 1 foreigner.
Foreigner works without getting permission to work or work that forbid foreigner to do. Imprison not more than 5 years or fine from 2,000-100,000 baht or both.
Foreigner who works urgently but did not inform an officer Fine from 20,000-100,000 baht.
Foreigner works differently from specification in license. Fine not more than 100,000 baht.
A person who holds work permit or important document of foreigner. Imprison not more than 6 months or fine not more than 100,000 baht or both.
A person who cheats other that can bring foreigner to work with employer in domestic. Imprison from 3-10 years or fine from 600,000-1,000,000 baht per 1 foreigner or both.
A person who does business to bring foreigner to work without getting permission from director general department of employment. Imprison from 1-3 years fine 200,000-600,000 or both.
A job that foreigner cannot do according to royal act regarding job and vocation that foreigner cannot do has 39 jobs especially engineer (civil engineering), design, calculate, guide, clerk, secretary, law service, lawsuit etc. However, law allows 3 nationalities which are Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia to be unskilled laborer and maid. Any foreigner who wants to work in Thailand or any employer who wants foreigner to work with you they should perform following regulation of law. It would be happy for both sides and does not have to worry when they do job.
Thank you for good information, interesting supreme page referred information Department of Employment Ministry of Labor.