Nowadays as we know that we heard news regarding children labor caused human trafficking problem. It is big problem that happen in society now. And recently there was new labor protect act announcement 2017 for protecting, restraining and expelling human trafficking problem regarding labor efficiently and objective is to protect and take care of children labor. New labor protect effected in the beginning of first month in 2017 preceding.
Labor law specified that employers cannot let children employees who are under 18 years old work during 10.00 pm – 06.00 am. except they get permission and they cannot work over time.
In addition, law is legislated works that do not permit employers to hire children under 18 years old as follows:
Melting, blowing, casting or pressing metal works
Pumping metal work
Works regarding heat, cool, vibration, voice and light which have different levels from normal. It might be dangerous as per specifying in ministry regulation.
Work regarding dangerous chemicals that specified in ministry regulation.
Works regarding toxic microbe that may be virus, bacteria, fungus or other sperms according to specifying in ministry regulation.
Works regarding toxic object, explosive or flammable substance except work in gasoline station according to specifying in ministry regulation.
Driving or controlling forklift truck or crane according to specifying in ministry regulation.
Using saw work by electric power or engine.
Works that have to do underground, underwater, cave, tunnel or in mountain.
Works regarding radioactivity according to specifying in ministry regulation.
Cleaning machinery or engine works during they are working.
Work that has to do in scaffold which is higher than ground from over 10 meters
Other works according to specifying in ministry regulation.
And employers cannot let employees who are children under 18 years old work in following places:
Gambling den
Pub, Thai dancing place or Rong Ngen
Place that has food, alcohol, tea or other drink for selling and servicing by having entertainer to service customers or place to take a rest, sleep or massage.
Other places according to specifying in ministry regulation.
Punishment for employers who break, do not follow law will imprison not more than 2 years or fine from 400,000 – 800,000 baht per 1 employee or both.
Objectives of this act are to protect children who is minor and growing up to be perfect labor and important human resource to nation in the future. Moreover, objectives are to protect, restrain and expel human trafficking problem regarding labor as well.
Good information from Office of Justice Affairs