Business owner who invents and be various goods and services owner may understand well and does not Want to let people copy trademark that we invented. It will affect to image and consumer confuses and causes to get a lot of effects. In this case if we register trademark successfully and there is a person who will copy trademark or we call trademark infringe. We also get protection from Department of Intellectual property regarding trademark infringement. Preliminary copyright owner of trademark is necessary to proceed for petition to police in case of they found trademark infringement. We will summarize easy steps that a person who is copyright owner of trademark should perform as follows:
Proceed for petition to police with evidence. Evidence is trademark registration certificate
In case that authorize to other for proceeding need to have power of attorney and sign correctly
Prepare copy of ID card or juristic certificate of owner and attorney
Give testimony and be witness in court for supporting prosecution to inquiry officer and prosecutor
Prepare example of goods and infringement goods to join in police to explore and confiscate goods
If there is foreign document that has to translate into Thai and assure correct translation as well.
Above step is beginning step of copyright owner of trademark that get infringe and a person who get effect has to perform for taking it as guilt with a person who infringes trademark of you.
Thank you for good information from intellectual property of Ministry of Commerce.