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Criminal Case Should Be Investigated Thoroughly

When mentioning about “summons” and “warrant”, many people might be panic or get freaked out if one day they might receive either one or both of them. Here is what you should do and prepare if you receive one. If the police officer have a warrant or you receive a warrant, that means the inquiry officer requires a defendant’s presence to make a statement or to be investigated according to the fundamental of criminal procedure. It is necessary for the defendant to appear as demanded in the warrant. When you receive either the warrant or the summons, do not be panic. The first thing you must do is to check for the date for an investigation and present yourself to make a statement on the stipulated date. After meeting the inquiry officer, an accusation will be informed. The alleged offender must inform his/her personal information in detail and give the plea.

After collecting the evidence and investigating the case file, if the inquiry officer finds out that the defendant commits the offence, the arrest warrant will be issued. This is an authorization for police officers to arrest the accused or the defendant. After being arrested, the first thing the accused or the alleged offender should do is to look for the offence, get a copy of the warrant from the police officer and listen to the rights of the alleged offender by cooperating with the police officer. There should also be witness for the arrest. A photo or video clip can be an evidence to prove the accused’s innocence. After the police officer brings the defendant to the inquiry officer at the police station, he/she should contact his/her trustworthy relatives to find a prospective lawyer for his/her contention; tell the truth to the inquiry officer; prove his/her innocence to the court; and cooperating with the officer to arrest the right offender to receive the punishment. For the accused, defendant or alleged offender who does not commit the crime, it is important to cooperate with the police officer and follow the aforementioned steps to prove his/her innocence.

Credit: Office of Justice Affairs


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