A person who have own business or goods there is trademark or we always call logo of goods for using symbol or mark or symbol that use with goods and service. And it needs to have said trademark registration to be copyright. And now there is doing business and trademark registration extensively. Trademark of each company or each goods is different and correct registration following rule of Department of Intellectual Property.
Trademark means brand or one part of trademark to show that goods which use symbol of trademark’s owner. Owner has law authority solely. We cannot use trademark of other and other also cannot use our trademark except there is contract and agreement for example holding business. Mark may consist of name, message, phrase, mark, picture, design work or many parts together by having meaning of intellectual property is symbol to show some specific goods name or every kind in trademark is showing picture of symbol, name, brand to show, refer. It means anything that relate to each other.
Forbidding mark that forbid to have or compose in trademark which if there is following mark will cannot register
Various logos that belong to reign or king
Flag of every country, royal standard flag, government flag, mark of foreign state or international organization
The king's signature, title and statue
Government mark, Red Cross mark, Thai certificate and foreign state or international organization
Mark that opposes to peace and good moral of people or oppose to politics
Mark that likes or similar general famous mark extensively
Thing that indicates by geography gets law enrollment
Trademark that minister announces to specify consists of 3 lists
Above mark is forbidding mark does not let intellectual property to register is absolute trademark and have rule to consider similarity trademark. You can follow in next article.
Thank you for interesting information from intellectual property from Ministry of Commerce.